Welcome to
St. Alban's Episcopal Church
COVID-19 Resources: Facts, not fear.
A Note from Rev. Nancy:
March 18, 2020
Dear people of St. Alban’s,
I would like to start with prayer:
Gracious Father, whose blessed son Jesus Christ came down from heaven to be the true bread which gives life to the world: Evermore give us this bread, that he may live in us, and we in him; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and for ever. Amen. (BCP, page 167)
I was watching TV the day before I left Florida for home. At that time there were no confirmed cases of the Corona virus in Michigan. So much has changed.
Bishop Hougland held an online meeting with all the clergy Tuesday, March 17, 2020, and this is our new Directive we received moving forward:
All Church activities and support groups are cancelled though April 30.
We have been instructed by our Bishop to close the church building through the month of April 2020. This means no Easter Service. No Holy Week, No Easter breakfast. No Easter Egg Hunt. No Bible study in person.
Effective immediately, the bishop said, “End all in gatherings.” This means AA & NA and FA groups will have to suspend all meetings here at St. Alban’s until April 1, 2020.
No one is to use the church building including clergy and I will no longer be able to provide “Drive-up church” on Sundays.
All activities at St. Alban’s for the remainder of March and all of April 2020 are cancelled.
Clergy will only be allowed to be graveside for a burial (social distancing and a group no larger than 10) but no funerals in the church and Celebration of Life services will be held sometime in the future.
The next 15 days will be critical with this virus - this is why adhering to this is imperative!
The Diocese is still working out the details on food distribution programs in regards to people getting together to prepare the food and how to get it to people. Right now “Curb side” food pantry distribution is allowed.
Both Standing committees in both Diocese support these actions and the Diocesan offices are physically closed.
Ordinations for Wendy Brown, Harold Schneider and Tom Manney which were scheduled for March 24, 2020 has been postponed as well.
I will continue to be in touch with you by phone and I can be reached on the Pastoral Care phone and that number is 989-321-0481.
Please remember those who are struggling, call each other, reach out in prayer with love and patience at this time.
We will continue clear the phone messages in the Office, and you can scroll down this page to find other helpful and reassuring resources for your daily self care.
If financially possible, please mail your pledges to the Church, 105 S. Erie Street, Bay City, MI 48706. We will continue to collect our mail and you know our bills will not stop coming so they need to be paid. At this time we do not have the option of paying your pledge electronically.
May God be with us all as we navigate through these murky waters. May the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Please remember, we are all in this together and we will get through this together.
Click the photo below to learn how to worship remotely with us on Sundays for the time being. All are welcome!
In Christ’s Love,
Reverend Nancy Mayhew
Priest in Charge
St. Alban’s Episcopal Church
Resources & Reassurance
"All shall be well, all shall be well, all manner of things shall be well." ~ Julian of Norwich
Click here to get the details about how to worship with us online every Sunday at 9:30am!
Click here to read the CDC's guidelines for how to protect yourself and your loved ones.
We encourage you all to practice the new art of social distancing as much as possible and to follow the CDC's guidelines. In doing so, you are helping your neighbors in ways you cannot even imagine. It is an amazing act of solidarity - you are sacrificing so you can give medical care professionals a fighting chance to help those in need. If it feels overwhelming, just take it one day at a time. Your St. Alban's family is with you, and God is with you always.
Click here if you think you may be sick.
Contact your doctor and follow their instructions, isolate from your loved ones (including animals) to keep them safe, and reach out if you need help.
Click here to learn about St. Alban's virtual Sunday Service.
Join us Sundays at 9:30am via telephone or laptop!
Click here if you and your family are looking for food assistance in the Tri-City area!
We will continue to have food distribution every 3rd Monday of the month from 1-3 and 5-7pm, and we are working with these wonderful organizations to bring you all the nourishment you need to stay well and maintain your energy.
Click here to read the thorough and uplifting response from The Episcopal Church.
Read Presiding Bishop Curry's response to this unprecedented time in our lives and learn how to practice the Way of Love while keeping your neighbors safe. You got this!
Our diocesan staff has been hard at work to keep us all connected spiritually when we cannot physically be present with each other as we're used to, and their page list several ways you can worship from the comfort and safety of your home.
Click here for your own online version of our Book of Common Prayer.
If you don't have a prayer book at home, never fear! Here is an online version of our prayer book, so you can practice the beautiful and ancient Morning Prayer service, Evening Prayer service, and more by yourself or with your family at home, anytime.
Click here to be directed to Presiding Bishop Curry's weekly "Habits of Grace" series.
Bishop Curry is putting together a weekly meditation series for us as we experience the social ripple effects of this virus. We highly recommend this for a much-needed boost of positivity!
A sermon from the head of The Episcopal Church of the United States, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry!
©St. Alban's Episcopal Church
105 S. Erie, Bay City, MI 48706
Office Phone: 989-892-4135
Office Hours: Mon - Wed, 9am-2pm