Welcome to
St. Alban's Episcopal Church
UPDATE: In light of recent CDC guidance and the rapidly growing vaccination rate in Michigan, the Standing Committees of our dioceses announced that Episcopalians statewide will progress into Phase 2 of the Plan for Re-Entry for Great Lakes Episcopalians on March 22, 2021.
This means St. Alban's in-person worship will resume on Palm Sunday, March 28th! For the love of our neighbors and to help stop the spread of COVID-19 and its variants, we encourage masks and social distancing. For details regarding our phase shift, please click here.
In addition to in-person worship at a limited capacity, we are also continuing to have a virtual service option with each service, so you can join us virtually via Zoom from wherever you are!
To make things easier on everyone joining us virtually, the log in information is the same for all our St. Alban's services, St. Alban's holiday services (and even the same for book club, too).
Here are the Zoom details:
🌿 If you want to join using your phone, Zoom here are the details! Our first Zoom service will be on October 4th.
🌿 If you want to join from your computer, tablet or smartphone, click here:
Or dial in using your phone: +1 646-558-8656
Meeting ID: 273 276 8959# #
🌿 We treasure and love our church family, and if you have any questions or concerns about any part of this process, please don't hesitate to reach out to Rev. Nancy or our office at 989-892-4135. We are all in this together!
📘The Episcopal Church's Online Book of Common Prayer (a.k.a. "that blue book we use in church every Sunday) can be found here: https://www.bcponline.org/
©St. Alban's Episcopal Church
105 S. Erie, Bay City, MI 48706
Office Phone: 989-892-4135
Office Hours: Mon - Wed, 9am-2pm