Welcome to 


St. Alban's Episcopal Church

See what St. Alban's is doing this year!

Winter of 2025

Annual meeting will be held following service
on Jan. 26 in the parish hall. Please plan to attend
as this is your time to have an input upon the
church operations for the coming year.
Potluck luncheon to follow, sign up is on the
credenza in the parish hall.

Bible Study, begins on Tuesday, Jan. 7 at 10am,
in person or via zoom. The book will be
Choosing Forgiveness, Unleash the Power of
God’s grace, by Fr Thomas Berg and Dr.
Timothy Lock.

Book Club will resume on Jan. 7, at 7pm in the li-
brary They will be reading Remarkably Bright
Creatures by Shelby VanPelt.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner will take place in our parish hall from 5:30-6:30pm on March 4! All are welcome to join us for a delicious, free meal as we feast together and prepare for the upcoming Lenten season.

​Lenten Soup Supper & Book Study begins Wednesday, March 12th at 5pm. Every Wednesday in Lent, we'll meet in the Parish Hall for soup and then continue in St. Alban's Library. The book we're reading for this year's study is Filled to be Emptied, the Path to Liberation for Privileged People.  

Ongoing Events

Bible Study - Tuesdays at 10am in the Library & on Zoom
As with all our events, you are welcome to join our Bible Study group anytime!

Book Club - Tuesdays at 7pm in the Library & on Zoom
Reach out to organizers Stacey or Katie C. anytime if you'd like to join us via Zoom!

Give Hope Food Distribution - 3rd Monday of every month, 1-3pm and 5-7pm
Our volunteers will be ready to pass out free, make-it-yourself meals for takeout on the third Monday of each month. Just drop by the parish hall, and we'll bag up something delicious and filling for you and your family!

Our Summer Reading Camp is back in action in 2025! Read all about it by clicking this link

Our diocese, the Episcopal Diocese of the Great Lakes, always has educational and exciting events, from conversations about how to best love our LGBTQ+ siblings to training on Dismantling Racism. Click this link to connect to our diocesan webpage.

Would you like to host an event?

Our Parish Hall is available for anyone to rent!
Contact Rev. Nancy at our office anytime for more details and to book your beautiful, air-conditioned space: 989-892-4135.