Welcome to 


St. Alban's Episcopal Church

St. Alban's "Give Hope" outreach programs are designed to share God's love in our community:

🌿 "Blessings Box" outdoor food pantry at our Wenona St. entrance - take what you need, anytime!

🌿 Give Hope meal distribution:  Ready-to-cook meals for those in need, safely distributed from our Parish Hall every 3rd Monday, 1-3pm & 5-7pm 

🌿 Mitten Trees each winter with donated winter items for shelters

🌿 Join in Great Lakes Pride every summer

🌿Food Pantry Network monthly collections of paper products & canned goods donations

🌿Sleeping bags, jackets and blankets collection for the houseless - all winter long

🌿Community Garden - part of the Good News Gardens network

🌿Home to support group meetings such as AA, NA & FA 

"…and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’  The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.”  (Mark 12:30-31)

Volunteer with us!

St. Alban's invites you to contact us anytime to volunteer with us and share your ideas for ways we can grow our ministries and better love our neighbors!

We are committed to celebrating our differences and loving our human family across race, gender, sexual orientation, and religion. Help us care for our community and the world.