Welcome to 


St. Alban's Episcopal Church

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​SUNDAY SERVICE AT 9:30 am

Our principal Sunday service is Holy Eucharist, Rite II, from the Book of Common Prayer, with Rev. Nancy Mayhew presiding. One Sunday a month, we have a shorter Morning Prayer service. Everyone is welcome to worship with us at our services and take Holy Communion with us every service, as we are all one human family united under God. 

During the pandemic, we realized that we are called to care and protect our neighbors more than ever. We began offering a Zoom link for our 9:30am Sunday services, and we are continuing to offer the Zoom option for those wishing to join online on any given Sunday.

​If you want to join from your computer, tablet or smartphone, here is our regular Zoom link:

If you prefer to dial in using your phone only: +1 646-558-8656

Meeting ID: 273 276 8959# #

Click here to view our Lent & Easter service times!

No matter where you are in your journey of faith...whether you are a life-long Episcopalian or looking for a new church home; whether you are visiting, exploring, curious, you are always welcome at St. Alban's Episcopal Church.

Service schedule