Welcome to 


St. Alban's Episcopal Church

What is the Episcopal Church?

A word from the retired head of the Episcopal Church of the United States, XXVII Presiding Bishop Michael Curry!

  • As Episcopalians, we are followers of Jesus Christ.
  • We uphold the Bible and worship with the Book of Common Prayer.
  • We define our faith and doctrine by the metaphor of the three-legged stool: scripture/tradition/reason.
  • Our statement of faith is contained in the Nicene Creed that sets forth our belief in the Holy Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
  • All baptized persons are invited to receive communion in the Episcopal Church.
  • The national Episcopal Church and we at St. Alban's in Bay City welcome all people into our congregation, regardless of race, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, marital status, socioeconomic status, or political persuasion. We are all God's children and are called to love our neighbors as ourselves.
    • Our LGBTQIA+  siblings are welcomed on all levels of our church and have been since 1976. According to our church canons, they "have a full and equal claim with all other persons upon the love, acceptance, and pastoral concern and care of the Church” (1976-A069), and that they “are entitled to equal protection of the laws with all other citizens” (1976-A071). Read more & connect with wonderful advocacy groups here:  https://www.episcopalchurch.org/who-we-are/lgbtq/
    • ​Leadership is a gift from God and can be expressed by all people in our church, regardless of gender, sexual identity or orientation. Yes -- this means we ordain women and queer persons!
    • Social justice and advocacy engagement is the work of Episcopalians to build community networks for justice by connecting and mobilizing people “from the pews to the public square”. Check out all the different ministries of The Episcopal Church worldwide here:  https://www.episcopalchurch.org/ministries/
  • The Episcopal Church is seen as a bridge between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism, because it contains elements of both.
  • Our congregation of St. Alban's has been in Bay City for well over 50 years, after two Bay City Episcopal churches merged, St. John's and Grace.  Our church building is 100 years old! 
  • We at St. Alban's offer Sunday worship service at 9:30am both in person and via Zoom. Read more here: http://www.stalbans-baycity.org/service-times.html