Welcome to 


St. Alban's Episcopal Church

SMall groups

No matter where you are in your journey of faith...whether you are a life-long Episcopalian or looking for a church home; whether you are visiting, exploring, curious, you are always welcome at St. Alban's Episcopal Church.

Our Bible Study & Book Club small groups meet in person in our library as well as via Zoom. All newcomers are welcome anytime to any of our groups! We cover many topics throughout the calendar year and encourage one another to keep learning and growing in faith.

Bible Study - TUESDAYS AT 10AM

Bible Study with Stephanie has resumed, and they continue to gather in person and on Zoom each week. Please contact Stephanie anytime with questions or call our office to inquire!


St. Alban's longtime book club meets every Tuesday at 7pm, and all are welcome to drop in and join us anytime. While we are meeting at St. Alban's, you don't have to be a member or of any religious affiliation to join us. This group is for bookworms to meet up and chat! Our favorite past books include "At Home in This Life" by Jerusalem Greer and "The Hate U Give" by Angie Thomas.

If you have any questions or would like to Zoom into our book club meetings, contact Stacey A. or Katie C.

A few times a year, our book club takes a break and turns into a Card Ministry Club. This is when we write holiday cards for patients in local nursing homes and for those people we think could use some perking up via thoughtful cards.

Our next book will be (insert your own drumroll here)...Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt! Book club resumes Tuesday, January 7th at 7pm in our library and on Zoom as requested.

​Zoom info:


Meeting ID: 273 276 8959