Welcome to 


St. Alban's Episcopal Church


Blue Christmas service - Wednesday, December 4th at 6pm in the St. Alban's library. Feel free to bring an ornament to pace on the tree during this quiet, reflective service for those who feel blue during the holidays. We recognize that the holidays are not merry for everyone for many different reasons, and we are here to love and support you.

Christmas Eve Carol Sing before service - Tuesday, December 24th from 6:30-7pm

Christmas Eve service - Tuesday, December 24th at 7pm 

All services are both in-person and via Zoom at our regular Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2732768959
If you prefer to dial in using your phone only: +1 646-558-8656
Meeting ID: 273 276 8959# #



Santa's Workshop, November 9, 10am-3pm
Santa's Workshop is our unique Christmas shopping event for kids! All our homemade gifts items are priced affordably (even as low as 25 cents) so kids of all ages can attend and shop for their loved ones in our Parish Hall. We even have volunteers on hand to wrap the presents, too! 

Mitten Tree - Nov. 1-Dec. 13
Our Mitten Tree ministry is up in the parish hall! Please decorate the tree with your donations of scarves, hats, and mittens for women, children (boys and girls), and teens. ***The Women's Center tells us that quality made socks for babies and toddlers would be very helpful this year!*** Our volunteers will take your donations to our local women's shelter to help keep the chilly winter days warm for them!

Holiday Card Ministries
Join us November 12th at 7pm in our Library as we write Thanksgiving cards for our neighbors in nursing homes. Please bring at least 12 cards each and snacks to share! We also invite you to write Christmas cards for our parishioners with us December 10th. Holiday attire is always encouraged and dishes to pass are welcome.

Christmas Bake Sale
Mark your calendars, because our Christmas Bake sale will happen on Friday,  December 13th from 4:30-7pm and on Saturday, December 14th from 10am-2pm this year. Our bakers really go above and beyond each bake sale to make sure we have the most delicious treats available for your holiday needs!

Christmas at St. Alban's

No matter where you are in your journey of faith...whether you are a life-long Episcopalian or looking for a church home; whether you are visiting, exploring, curious, you are always welcome at St. Alban's Episcopal Church.